Sunday 22 April 2007

POLL: Who would you choose in the second round of the French presidential elections?

Okay. This is a first, and it may all go horribly wrong, but...

It's poll time!!

And the question is this: Given that the choice is between an unreconstructed socialist with a winning smile and a right-wing moderniser who wants to liberalise the economy but stick it to immigrants, who would you choose in the second round of the French presidential elections?

Or, if you disagree with the analysis above, how about just telling us who you would support anyway.

Who would you support in second round of the French presidential elections
Nicolas Sarkozy
Segolene Royal
I would rather emigrate

Free polls from

For the record, I am aware that this may also prove an embarrassing indictment upon the amount of traffic this poll recieves, but I'm prepared to take that risk in the interests of... er... I don't know. Entertaining my regular reader, I guess.


Tristan said...

Sarkozy. He's not perfect, but far far better than Royal who's intention seems to be to destroy the French economy and take the rest of Europe down with her...

Interesting that the poll results so far show Royal - perhaps this is the old LibDem thing of refusing to look at anything 'right wing' and thinking socialism is not all bad...

As for the emigrate option - I think I'd have emigrated long ago...

Andy Mayer said...

You'd have been in the queue behind the large exodus of French young people trying to escape. The result of France's uniquely awful combination of socialist protectionism and nationalist pride in it... because it's French... has been to make London the 8th largest French city in Britain.

Andy Mayer said...

Whoops, that should say 8th largest in the world... not Britain clearly...

Anonymous said...

Royal, by a long way. Sego has promised to turn PACS (civil pacts for gay couples) into gay marriage. Sarko has promised opposition to gay marriage. Sego supports Turkey in the EU. Sarko opposes it. Sego wants to increasingly integrate the EU. Sarko wants to create a new 'Mediterrean Union'. There's a lot wrong with France, but things are only going to go worse with Sarko in charge.

Anonymous said...

Royal is just bonkers, so Sarkozy has to win.

Tristan said...

Its interesting the divide between those who take 'social' issues and those who take 'economic' issues first (personally I don't think there's a difference - but that's the way most people seem to view it).

What good are fluffy social policies if the economy is shot to pieces?

Liberal Polemic said...

More to the point, how does one continue to expand the welfare state if the economy is stalled.

Ultimately, improvements in society come from growth, not divvying up the pot more fairly. France has been stagnant for years.

It's amazing, however, how many of the people I know in France think it's a paradise on earth. It must be because the nearest they get to the banlieuers is when they accidentally bump into the cleaner.

dirty dingus said...

Sego is an idiot - or at least her professed policies are idiotic. They are unfundable and can do nothing other than send France further into decline. Quite why anyone would think that applying policies that haven^t worked when they have been tried for at least the last 20 years only doing more of them is going to help is beyond me.